Loafer on the App Store
Like many others during Covid, I’ve started making sourdough bread, super tasty, cheap and possibly good for you ( I don’t really care too much about the last one, it’s just something I tell myself as I butter another slice).
The process of making a sourdough loaf is super easy: you need to look after your starter mixture, to make sure it doesn’t go hungry left at the back of the fridge. Mixing and baking the bread requires brief moments of activity, but mainly leaving your mixture alone with its thoughts for long periods of time.
I built Loafer for myself, to remind me when it’s time to feed my starter (Audrey); and when making a new loaf, to remind me that I need to move on to the next step. I hope you find it useful too..
I’m planning to add more features, more widgets, which update more regularly.. a WatchOS version is on the list when I learn how to do that.. If you’ve got any requests please get in touch. You can reach me at: loafer@colingrenfell.com
Privacy Policy
Loafer stores things like the last time you fed your starter, and the hydration ratio of your sourdough bread, but nothing that isn’t related to making a loaf of bread. All data is stored and processed on device, and doesn’t leave, except when you back up your device to Apple’s backup servers. (You have back ups right?) .